Industry Craft Awards

This year, the Cannes Lions also introduced a new craft category, Industry Craft, which honors the creative artistry, talent, and skill required to deliver a perfectly executed solution. It exemplifies expertise and vision in the application of creative techniques. As we all know, brands need artistry in order to make a significant connection with people. In this awards category, they explored the works of 16 countries. They are identified as typography, art direction, illustration, photography, and copywriting. The sections include Brand & Communications Design, Packaging Design, Print & Publishing, and Outdoor.  1,720 entries were received and 47 Lions awarded: 5 Gold, 13 Silver and 28 Bronze. The Grand Prix went to ‘Ali’ by Ogilvy, Chicago for SC Johnson, USA.

The Grand Prix winner was part of a print and outdoor advertising campaign called Kiwi First Steps. The campaign tells a story of six iconic figures, narrating the moment they took a stand and started changing the world. The advertiser is quite literally put the reader in the person’s shoes and showed the revolutionary impact they had. Out of the 6 stories, Ali won Grand Prix for their excellence in copywriting for print and publishing. It features a full page of tiny copy that sits behind a striking image of famed boxer Muhammad Ali's shoes. Even though there was no picture of Ali, jury president Yang said the “you can feel him—I can feel him dancing in the ring.” Yang also stated that they want to encourage in this category—you don’t need fancy movies or a Hollywood budget. With the power of craft, you are able to connect with millions of consumers. 

The Adidas Tennis Collection by Pharrell Williams won a Gold Lion for Art Direction in Brand & Communications Design. Pharrell worked with adidas to create a 70s inspired color blocked range of summer wear. The theme was executed for the photoshoot, social media content, website, and retail shop. 

KFC’s Hot & Spicy campaign won a Gold Lion for Art Direction in Print & Publishing and Outdoor. By playing with the color and texture, they are able to deliver three ads where pieces of fried chicken seamlessly replaced the fireballs in real photos. This was to promote their new line of hot and spicy fried chicken. 

Nestle’s Have a Break from Fast: Factory won a Gold Lion in Art Direction in Outdoor. This print ad plays with the idea that the world moves fast so take a break with Kit Kat.

The One Poster for Peace won a Gold Lion in Art Direction for Outdoor. The campaign was created for the Interreligious Council in Boznia and Herzegovina. The region is a post war, multinational, multi religion country where there are four different religions and four different places to worship: Church, Mosque, Orthodox Church, and Synagogue. The problem was that they were witnessing a humanitarian migration crisis. Religious differences remain the root of many conflicts so this is meant to tackle prejudice and raise awareness of inter-religious dialogue. They took two works of art found in two different religions and meshed them together in order to show the similarities and spread the message for peace. Six of these ads from this collection won. 

The category winners for Gold Lions were mainly in outdoor, print, or brand and communications design. Two Gold Lion Campaigns were awarded to Oglivy Hong Kong and Y&R Dubai. Both of the entries from Tokyo, Japan won Silver Lions for Brand & Communications Design. 


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