Commercial Critique
International Committee of the Red Cross
This Red Cross advertisement tells a story of a father rushing to the hospital in a war torn country to save his young daughter, who has indirectly become a victim of this type of attack. The ad is filmed in a way to look it is in the perspective of another person. The camera is a little shaky to emphasize that he is in a panic rushing to the hospital. The camera then moves back and forth to the father and to the daughter. It mimics someone’s perspective as they look to each person. They want you to feel like you are sitting right there witnessing all this go down. I would hypothesize that this is to show the authenticity of the story and to increase its effectiveness. This appeals to emotion and is meant to make one feel sympathy for the family. As the daughter proceeds to pass out from losing blood, the dad’s voice starts to muffle in the background and the music starts playing. The music builds up to the point where they finally get to the hospital, only to find that it has been bombed. The ad ends with “Everyday, health wins are attacked in war zones. Even wars have rules.” The tag line for this ad is: Hospitals are #NotATarget. I think this was a very effective ad and it accomplished its goal for raising awareness about attacks that occur everyday where the victims are not only the healthcare personnel but also civilians. ICRC wants to make this cause more visible. Therefore, by showing viewers a perspective of a war-zone, they encourage people to help out the Red Cross.
good thanks